I am a Japanese mathematician hailing from Nagasaki Prefecture, and I am a Professor of mathematics at the College of Engineering of Nihon University.
I started my study of mathematics from the additive number theory and automorphic L-functions. Recently, I conduct research about multiple Eisenstein series with Prof. M. Katsurada, and I focus on some generating functions of the Riemann zeta-function related to modular forms.
About me

Research interests
Key words: Number theory, Analytic number theory, Riemann zeta function, Eisenstein series, Poincaré series
Takumi Noda (Teaching Stuff, College of Engineering, Nihon University)
Research papers (refereed)- M. Katsurada and T. Noda, Asymptotic expansions for a class of generalized holomorphic Eisenstein series, Ramanujan’s formula for ζ(2k+1), Weierstraß’ elliptic and allied functions, The Ramanujan Journal, Vol. 65, (2024), 679–715, DOI: 10.1007/s11139-024-00911-9
- T. Noda, The exponential-type generating function of the Riemann zeta-function revisited, The Ramanujan Journal, Vol. 60, (2023), 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s11139-022-00644-7
- T. Noda, Some generating functions of the Riemann zeta function, The Number Theory Week 2017, Banach Center Publications 118 (2019), 107-111. DOI: 10.4064/bc118-6.
- M. Katsurada and T. Noda, Transformation formulae and asymptotic expansions for double holomorphic Eisenstein series of two complex variables, The Ramanujan Journal, Vol. 44, 2 (2017), 237-280. DOI: 10.1007/s11139-017-9922-5
- T. Noda, On the functional properties of the confluent hypergeometric zeta-function, The Ramanujan Journal, Vol. 41 (2016), 183-190. DOI: 10.1007/s11139-014-9613-4
- T. Noda, On the functional properties of the Bessel zeta-function, Acta Arithmetica, 171, No.1 (2015), 1-13. DOI: 10.4064/aa171-1-1
- T. Noda, A transformation formula for a certain Eisenstein series in aerodynamic interference calculations, Journal of Math-for-Industry, Vol. 5, B-6, (2013) 135-138.
- M. Katsurada and T. Noda, Differential actions on the asymptotic expansions of non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, International Journal of Number Theory, 6, Vol. 5 (2009), 1061-1088.
- T. Noda, An explicit formula for the zeros of the Rankin-Selberg L-function via the projection of C∞-modular forms, Kodai Math. J. 31, No.1 (2008), 120-132.
- T. Noda, A note on the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, The Ramanujan Journal 14 (2007), 405-410.
- T. Noda, On the zeros of symmetric square L-functions, Kodai Math. J. 22, No.1 (1999), 66-82.
- T. Noda, On the Goldbach problem in algebraic number fields and the positivity of the singular integral, Kodai Math. J., 20, No.1 (1997), 8-21.
- T. Noda, An application of the projections of C∞ automorphic forms, Acta Arithmetica, 72, No.3 (1995), 229-234.
Proceeding reports, surveys (non-refereed)
- T. Noda, A class of holomorphic Dirichlet-Hurwitz-Lerch Eisenstein series and Ramanujan's formula for specific values of the Riemann zeta-function, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 2222 (2022), 39-52.
- T. Noda, Two zeta functions contained in the Poincaré series, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 2203 (2021), 135-139.
- T. Noda, On the exponential-type generating function of the Riemann zeta-function (in Japanese), RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 2131 (2019), 159-165.
- M. Katsurada and T. Noda, Transformation formulae and asymptotic expansions or double holomorphic Eisenstein series of two complex variables (summarized version), RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 2013 (2016), 157-169.
- T. Noda, A certain double series in aerodynamic interference calculations, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1874 (2014), 135-138.
- T. Noda, A transformation formula for Maass-type Eisenstein series of two variables, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1806 (2012), 210-218.
- Katsurada and T. Noda, On generalized Lipschitz formulae and applications II, M. Proceedings of Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2011, AIP Conference Proceedings 1385, A.I.P. Press, (2011), 73-86.
- M. Katsurada and T. Noda, On generalized Lipschitz formulae and applications, Proceedings of Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2010, AIP Conference Proceedings 1264, A.I.P. Press, September (2010), 129-138.
- M. Katsurada and T. Noda, Actions of Maass’ operators on the asymptotic expansions of non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1665 (2009), 80-93.
- T. Noda, Laplace-Mellin transform of the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1665 (2009), 94-99.
- T. Noda, Some asymptotic expansions of the Eisenstein series, RIMS Kokyuroku (Automorphic representations, automorphic L-functions and arithmetic) 1659 (2009), 106-115.
- T. Noda, An explicit formula for the zeros of the Rankin-Selberg L-function, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1639 (2009), 164-171.
- T. Noda, Asymptotic expansions of the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series II, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1512 (2006), 118-123.
- T. Noda, Asymptotic expansions of the non-holomorphic Eisenstein series, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 1319 (2003), 29-32.
- T. Noda, An application of the projections of C∞ automorphic forms, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 961, (1996), 32-35.
- T. Noda, On the positivity of the singular integral, RIMS Kokyuroku (Analytic Number Theory) 886 (1994), 196-200.